Please read the following terms and conditions carefully, as they govern your use of our website. It is essential that you accept these terms and conditions in their entirety; if you do not do so your right to use our website is terminated and you should leave it immediately.
Please bear in mind that these terms and conditions are subject to alteration at any time, and you should therefore make sure that you read them on each occasion that you visit this site, in order to ensure that they are acceptable to you.
This website is owned and managed by Prudent Plus Ltd of Booths Hall, Booths Park, Chelford Road Knutsford Cheshire WA16 8GS, which is registered in England, company number 10104295. Any complaints, comments, or disputes should be referred to us in the first instance at this address.
Material in this website is meant for visitors from the United Kingdom only. Visitors from other countries should leave the website immediately, since much of the information we provide may not be applicable to them.
This website is designed and hosted in the United Kingdom, and Prudent Plus Ltd is registered in England. Any disputes about this site therefore fall under the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales, and no others.
This website exists in order to provide information to visitors. Prudent Plus Ltd does not sell car insurance, or any other form of financial product. If these are advertised on our site they are provided by a third party. If you have any problems with any products or services you bought via this website, you should take these up with the providers themselves, and not this company. Prudent Plus Ltd can accept no responsibility whatsoever for any consequences which may arise as a result of you, or any other person, buying such products or services.
There are malicious website hackers who are extremely active in hacking or disrupting web sites, either for criminal purposes or just vandalism. Like most other site owners we take considerable precautions to prevent access by these people but some of them are extremely sophisticated, and capable of breaching systems which had hitherto been considered by security experts to be impregnable. We cannot, therefore, accept any resposibility for any losses you may incur as a result of a malicious virus, trojan or other script which has been placed on our site, or for the non-availability of the site for any reason whatsoever.
Financial products such as car insurance can be costly and complex. You are urged, therefore, to take adequate independent advice from a suitably qualified person before entering into any agreement with an insurer, a broker, or any other financial intermediary.
We have made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information on our site is both correct and up to date. However, circumstances and legislation can both change quickly, and so we cannot make any guarantees whatsoever that this information will remain accurate and current. You should, therefore, make independent enquiries from suitably qualified persons before acting upon any information on this website.
If you buy products or services through our website, then a contract will exist between yourself and the provider, or the provider's broker. It is absolutely essential that any information that you provide is accurate, since any errors may invalidate insurance cover and leave you open to potential costs and, possibly, prosecution.
We reserve the right to refuse service to any person whom we believe is providing us or our business partners with inaccurate information, or is, in our estimation, involved in attempts to commit fraud or other illegal activities.
Our website may contain the telephone numbers of business partners, or links to their websites. We make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the people and companies that we deal with are properly authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to conduct their businesses, and this authorisation can be checked by visiting Companies which are authorised by the FCA are heavily regulated and subject to considerable checks both before and after commencing business, and it is a legal requirement that all companies which sell insurance of any kind are similarly authorised and regulated. The FCA operate a register of authorised companies and offer a limited compensation scheme for private clients who lose money as a result of the insolvency of an authorised company. You can get further details about this from their website.
The text, design and images on this website are copyrighted material, owned by Prudent Plus Ltd. Whilst you may make a copy of this website for your own personal use you may not transmit a copy of the whole, or a part, of this website to any other person or corporate entity, or reproduce it in any way including, but not limited to, printed matter, e-mail, website content or any other form of printed or digital media.
We will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage that you may suffer as a result of visiting our website, excepting where this cannot be waived because of legislation. In this event any disputes, which cannot be settled by mutual agreement, will fall under the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
The above terms and conditions must be accepted by yourself in their entirety. If you cannot accept any of them, you should leave this website immediately, and destroy any copies that you have made of it.
Which is the cheapest impounded car insurance?
How do I get my car out of a police pound?
What happens when a car is impounded?
Why are cars impounded?
What is impounded car insurance?
What will it cost to get my car released?
Who can reclaim my car, if I can't?
Must I inform my HP company?
Can I sell my impounded car?